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Open a yogurteria- the frozen yogurt

A new business in the food sector and a sharp upward trend is the yogurt shop, open an activity of this kind it appears all in all easier to open an ice cream shop takeaway. In practice we would have a series of soft ice cream machines slightly modified in some parts techniques to be adapted to the administration of frozen yogurt or ice cream of yogurt. Furthermore a technical component is the refrigerated counter-heated for the administration of the decorations.

L 'environment will have a look attractive and simple colors but decided, usually favors the color white color reminiscent of yogurt, this is associated with a typical color for your brand and a name that you remember of course yogurt.

An important element in the yogurt shop is the 'nutritional information in addition to be important lends itself to publicize the features of your product and list the benefits as well as to give the correct information to the consumer.

It therefore becomes crucial as important to consult a graphic designer to create a corporate identity for your store yogurt.

We have identified a number of flavors of yogurt sour (tart) and acid equal to eight as optimization of the relationship between costs, revenues and rotation of flavors in a yogurt shop.


We would need a local located in a pedestrian area or high traffic or in a very busy place, near a center with the presence of young, gyms, schools, universities. Very important it is to have a showcase on the road. The size of the store can wander 20-30 square meters.

Paper work is required to open a yogurt crafted commercial registration of enterprises Chamber of Commerce, enrollment with the artisans, openness VAT and obtain permits in accordance with relevant legislation regarding health and hygiene of the shop and equipment, goes Following a HACCP course, mandatory for all nutritionists.

Professional courses of artisan yogurt shop: we recommend that you inquire at the school for ice cream makers of the 'existence of courses for the' opening a yogurt shop. At the 'Academy Bigatton you can follow free courses on this topic with in-depth explanations of how to make up its own blends of different flavors of yogurt is both classic cone fruit yogurt coffee or chocolate, you will also learn how to prepare your decorations, sprinkles, intrusions and decorations both liquid and solid for mixing with your frozen yogurt or soft serve yogurt.

At the school you will find a yogurt shop where guests can exercise full and free to choose the best recipes.